What Does It Mean to Be Body Positive

Body positivity has become a huge part of self-love lately but there’s also a new movement of which you may be less aware. Body neutrality entered the equation more recently and for a lot of people struggling with self-love and positive body image, it can be a whole lot easier to achieve. If you’re not…

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5 Easy Ways to Love Who You See in the Mirror

Have you ever had the experience where you wake up feeling good about yourself, but then you stand in front of the mirror, and the negative thoughts creep in? If the answer is yes, you probably have a poor self-image which has become quite common in today’s modern world.  So, how to start loving who…

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Top 5 Stress Busters to Add to Your Life

Stress is a big part of day-to-day life for many of us and it can be pretty much impossible to avoid it completely. You may not be able to change this but you can switch up the way that you respond to stress. Make these 5 stress busters a key part of your life! Breathe…

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Gratitude and Self-care

What do you think of when the word “gratitude” is mentioned? A lot of us associate it with saying thank you but it actually goes a lot further than this. It’s a much deeper appreciation and generates positivity that can last a good while.  If you’re not practicing gratitude on a regular basis, it’s time…

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7 Tips for Forgiving Yourself

We all have things that we regret in life and wish we had done things differently. We’re only human, after all! It’s often a lot easier to forgive other people for fairly major things while hanging onto strong resentment towards yourself for even minor slip ups.  If you find it hard to forgive yourself for…

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4 Ways to Inspire Yourself

Comparing yourself to other people as a way to inspire yourself is hugely unhelpful. It’s a whole heap healthier to use self-improvement as your motivation. No-one knows you better than you know yourself, and that’s a game-changer for encouraging any changes you want to make in your life.  Acting as your personal inspiration and being…

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